Monday, May 24, 2010

Junction City to Wentzville, MO

Our son lives in Kansas temporarily, so he was able to come to our fuel stop in Topeka and meet a lot of the fine folks from Run For The Wall.  He got some pictures of us leaving and standing around on break, I'll see if he wants to share them here.  Thanks for coming out Ken, and thank you for your service to our country, (4 years in the Navy.)

Going through Kansas City escorted by so many law enforcement was quite an honor.  Not sure the pack could find the right lane and the right exits without such an incredible escort.  Of course our fearless leader is from the area, so we know he could've gotten us there, but the escort was impressive, thanks guys!!

It was so awesome to be close enough to the front to watch the ballet dance that motor cops do as they weave in and out, stopping traffic at the on-ramps and pass the pack at very high speed, then rejoin their group in the front.  STAY ALERT was the word of the day.

HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE - how many times do we hear this from each other and fellow riders.

Well, Monday (day 6) took a major toll on Russ.

He was overheated at lunch.  I could tell he was winding down, and several of us showed concern, he finally got cooled off enough to ride the next 160 miles out of the pack (ahead of them).  We arrived at the hotel hours before the pack, he went to bed at 4 PM and now at 8:00 AM is in the shower, ready for a short day.  We'll meet the pack at lunch in Mt Vernon Illinois and decide from there if we're going all-the-way.  The heat and humidity are giving him labored breathing, he's a little congested which may be adding to the breathing problem.  He's so exhausted, it worries me.

We love Run For The Wall because of the healing it has brought us and the friends that we have made over the 8 years we've been involved, but we gotta be wise in the decisions we make about continuing.

1 comment:

  1. Judy - we left Rancho Cucamonga and are FNGs. We are in a motor home with a RFTW board on the back of the RV. We are 2 cousins and spouses going all the way!! I found your blog and our son is also following your blog from Moreno Valley. We are sometimes ahead and other times behind taking pictures and videos which we can share with you. If you see our RV try to get our attention. Drive safe. Ron, Vicky, Richard & Ortie (SO CAL to DC).


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